Before reading this article, please understand "How to get redirect_url" (opens new window)
<script src=""></script>
<div id="payment-wrap"></div>
const checkout = new window.PYVIO_PAYMENT_PLUGIN({
env: 'sandbox',
manual: true,
size: 'normal',
rootId: 'payment-wrap',
Calling loadCheckout to render checkout page.
// context
checkout.loadCheckout(redirect_url, callback)
Calling this function is equivalent to clicking the PayNow button on the page. To call this method, you must give manual as true at first.
// context
This method could be called after "loadCheckout". Calling this method to reload Checkout(it will not change " redirect_url").
// context
With html5 + javascript
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script src=""></script>
<h1>This is a demo page</h1>
<div id="payment-wrap"></div>
<h2>This is a footer</h2>
// This is not a real redirect_url
const redirect_url = ''
const checkout = new window.PYVIO_PAYMENT_PLUGIN({
env: 'sandbox',
rootId: 'payment-wrap'
checkout.loadCheckout(redirect_url, cb)
function cb(){
If you need to customize the style, please refer to the configuration below.
env: 'sandbox',
rootId: 'payment-wrap',
// This key can help you to customize the style
theme: {
modulesVariable: {
showHeader: true,
showBillingInfo: true,
showSupportCardBrands: true,
showBill: true,
showLocated: true,
showFooterInfo: true,
showPayBtn: true,
showSecurityIconsl: true
themeVariable: {
// 定制主题色
themeColor: 'rgba(0, 123, 104, 1)',
// 主题色渐变
themeColorShadow: 'rgba(0, 123, 104, 0.46)',
// 报错颜色
errorColor: 'rgba(234, 91, 57, 1)',
// 报错shadow
errorShadowColor: 'rgba(234, 91, 57, 0.3)',
// 警告颜色
warningColor: '#F57929',
// loading覆盖层色彩
loadingMaskColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)',
// loading spinner背景色
loadingSpinnerBackColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
// loading spinner主色彩
loadingSpinnerColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)',
// 元素间最小间距
minDistance: '8px',
// 输入框/下拉选择框高度
inputHeight: '48px',
// 最小字体
minFontSize: '12px',
// 一般字体
commonFontSize: '14px',
// 标题字体
titleFontSize: '16px',
// Checkout页眉安全支付标题字体
secureTitleFontSize: '40px',
// checkout页眉高度
checkoutHeaderHeight: '180px',
// 标题文本色彩
titleTextColor: '#141922',
// 一般文字色彩
commonTextColor: ' #525866',
// 链接文字色彩
linkTextColor: ' #007B68',
// 浅灰色文本色彩
lightGaryTextColor: '#9399A3',
// 卡品牌上下padding
supportCardBrandsPadding: '6px',
// placeholder颜色
placeholderColor: '#999999',
// popup关闭区域高度
popupHeight: '48px',
// 页面左右边距
wrapPadding: '15.8%',
// result结果页content背景色
resultContentBg: '#F7F8FA',
// 表单上下边距
formItemDistance: '14px',
// 左侧billingInfo背景色
billingBg: '#fff',
// 左侧billingInfo右侧边框内阴影色
billingInsetColor: 'rgba(72,88,101,0.06)',
// 主表单背景色
mainFormBg: '#ffffff',
// 表单label颜色
mainFormLabelColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45)',
// 表单value颜色
mainFormValueColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)',
// header背景色
headerBg: 'linear-gradient(180deg, #F7F9FC 0%, #F3F8FC 100%)',
// 主表单最大宽度
paymentFormMaxWidth: '600px',
// 表单输入框圆角
inputBorderRadius: '4px',
// 主表单padding
formContentPadding: '80px 64px'